Our decisions today affect generations to come. MCWP’s business operations focus on sustainability in every area, from forest management to operational management. We are passionate about managing our natural resources in a manner that ensures a healthy viable forest for generations to come.
Madison County Wood Products is driven by the demands of consumers to lower the carbon footprint and spread awareness of the positive environmental impacts that wood supplies.
The Sustainable Method
Vertical Integration
From the root of the tree to the shipping truck that it meets, Madison County Wood Products has a hand in the entire process ensuring top quality and sound stewardship. Nothing is taken for granted. Logging, sawmilling, pallet assembly, and finished product delivery are all closely monitored for excellence and efficiency. We build our pallets from the lumber sourced from our sawmills which stimulates our vertical integration stance.
Pallet Design Systems (PDS) software
By using the Pallet Design System and automatic nailing machines, we’re minimizing environmental impact. Piece by piece, we construct pallets using these tools to promote maximum pallet efficiency while decreasing the odds of product damage. The resulting quality improvement extends the average pallet life cycle, reducing the need for frequent replacement.
The Sustainable Materials
Because it is sustainable, recyclable, and biodegradable, wood is the world’s most valuable renewable resource. Pallets are manufactured using various materials, including “metal, plastic, corrugated, and composite, but wood pallets have the greatest market share, about 92% (Freedonia Group, 2020)”.
The Sustainable Life-Cycle
Our crew takes full advantage of the regeneration process that trees grant us. MCWP uses the timber in Missouri naturally, regenerating from harvested stumps with time. Our job as wood managers is to responsibly manage our forests by allowing regeneration of each tree after use, reducing the carbon footprint.
Our team at MCWP partners with repair facilities reconditioning pallets which extends the pallets life cycle.
Zero-Waste Approach
We convert the entire log into usable products such as pallets, lumber, railroad ties, cants, squares, and more! Wooden pallets' life extension goes beyond renewability; 50% of consumers reuse dismantled pallets as boards while the other 50% use them as mulch or animal bedding - both promoting an acceptable, sustainable option.
Your confidence relies in the hands of Madison County Wood Products, knowing that we possess our own forestlands as well as working with federal, state, and private landowners to always provide our customers with the wooden pallet that suits their needs.
The Carbon Impact
Throughout history, wood has been the cornerstone that serves our needs in more ways than one. Our human existence relies heavily on the benefits that surround wood. Manufacturing wood into usable products actually requires far less energy and carbon impact than any other construction material known to man. Madison County Wood Products commits to always using the whole log, recognizing and respecting its significance to sustainability.
The decisions we make impact our children, grandchildren, and the generations to come. We choose wood. What will you choose?
Wood is 100% sustainable.
About the Author:
Paul Gaines is Vice President of Operations and a 2nd generation co-owner at Madison County Wood Products. Following his Father and Grandfather, Gaines leverages 22 years of wood product manufacturing experience to improve operational processes amid everchanging technological advances, keeping Madison County Wood Products the most efficient and sustainable wood products supplier in the industry. A genuine people-person, Gaines enjoys leading employees and customers to success.
Madison County Wood Products Inc. is a vertically integrated company specializing in land and timber management, logging, sawmilling, and pallet manufacturing. With a focus on environmental impact, we take a zero-waste approach while providing customers with quality products, competitive prices, and on-time deliveries.