Top Rated & Fully Integrated Wood Products

From land and timber management, logging, sawmilling, pallet manufacturing, and beyond, Madison County Wood Products is fully integrated into wood product production and manufacturing. We take a zero waste approach with a focus on environmental impact while converting the complete log into usable products. Here are just a few key products we produce at our Fredericktown, Missouri Plant.
Grade Lumber
Madison County Wood Products produces very high quality hardwood grade lumber. Southeastern Missouri offers a variety of tree species including Red Oak, White Oak, Hickory, Walnut, and Cherry. Our optimized mill and modern grading facilities insure accurate dimensions and the highest quality available in all NHLA grades.
Our grade lumber is perfect for:
✔ Furniture
✔ Whiskey barrels
✔ Molding
✔ Wine barrels
✔ Flooring

Explore Our Other Products

Untreated Railroad Ties
Crossties and Switch Ties in a variety of lengths from 8' to 16'.
Cants & Squares
Industrial lumber, Dunnage (Blocking) and Pallet Stock

Mulch, Chips & Dust
Dust: Hardwood and Pine dust
Chips: Paper grade chips
Mulch: Bark mulch for landscaping